Example of barcode used in scam
A new scam involving money transfer services, such as MoneyGram or Western Union, is making its rounds in New Hampshire. According to our Fraud Team, a scammer will call or text claiming to be with the Federal Reserve in an effort to gain the trust of their unsuspecting victims, before laying out their scheme.
Reports state that once the scammer has made contact, they tell the victim that their money is not safe at the bank and that they will help secure funds in a new account. In order to transfer the money, the scammer will text the victim a barcode, which our Fraud Team believes is connected to money transferring services offered at certain department stores.
Once the victim has the barcode, the scammer instructs them visit the service desk at the store where they can digitally transfer the money to the “new account”. After the barcode is scanned and the victim pays using their debit card, those funds are available to the person linked to the barcode – and not a “new account”.
Victims of this scam should file a report with their local police department. If you’re a Merrimack customer and are concerned your personal or financial information was compromised, please call us directly at 603.225.2793.